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CHARLIE EDWARDS Other bands he has dug in the past year or so: Everything But The Girl, Ride, Starflyer 59, Blonde Redhead, Girls Against Boys, Scarce, And Also The Trees, Phono-Comb, Prince Charming, Firewater, Earth, O Yuki Conjugate, Rapoon, Luna, Fu Manchu. Mostly I search for the power in music. Whether it is soft & pretty, or dark & harsh, what matters is that it moves me... Mark: A legendary if mentally-unbalanced farmer of music from downstate, Bible-belt, family-farm redneck region where rusted oversized Fords race through the empty, nighttime countryside, heavy metal strains blaring out the rolled-down windows, past the dilapidated, tree-envelopped houses where starnge, secret things happen. He straddles the taut barbed wire fences of the indie/alternative/import present, one huge foot planted in the cannabis and psybocillin psychedlia patches of the 60s and 70s (interspersed with beautiful yet poisonous strains of the Sledgehammer-Gothicus, New Wave-a, and Postpunkelia genus) ... the other in the melancholy stands of 90s Ambientia, and the frivolous (if melodically-colorful) Britpop-py transplants (spliced with the shoots and offshoots Post-Funk, post-Blues and the genetically-engineered likes of alien species from Australia, England and the Moon). He carefully tends to the prolific weed- and poison ivy-like harvest of mutant, underground gardeners, maniacally laughing as he sets brushfires to the manicured lawns of the suburban tract houses of Mainstream Music. |
Quakers froth about Charlie...Jason: He goes for mood and attitude. Unskeptical, frequently uses the word odd as a positive adjective. Strange attraction to Britpop and blues rock.Julie A: A hard man to pigeonhole as he has a variety of tastes ranging from the most obscure rock band of the 60s/70s to ambient experimental bands of the 90s. It1s not unlikely, when it1s his turn at the playstack, to hear SCORN followed by PULP. Ray : Secretly wishes our store was overseas in England so that he might be mates with Manic Street Preachers and Suede! He orders most of what is NOT dance-related for the store.. A walking library of knowledge. Digs English pop, rock, psychedelia, 60s/70s rock, well-produced melodies to grinding, smash-up, American white-boy rock, ambient-experimental... Randy: Rumor has it he saw Wagner on his ill-fated European tour. Now, then, his love of gothic, dark records is famous for the scars on all our wrists. Dare not ask me to see them because it will conjure images to horrible to relive. English Pop (not those fags like Blur, Oasis...no, the REAL DEAL!!! ) Catchy, obscure, twisted pop along the lines of Baader Meinhoff. I think him to be a closet Marxist (wheelbarrows of cash notwithstanding). He knows all the 60s scene, having been an elder even then, and he is the one behind the idea of the little tags that describe the records here. Julie R: Almost any type of music could wind up with a recommendation from this guy- he doesn't limit himself!. Pop rock and slower, beautifully-darker music catches his ear. |